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Writer   Author   Instructor   Researcher   Science Fantasy

KERAVNO   Kaiju Control Company  -  Case 1

Available  March 2023!

When Wade Carpenter finds a mysterious baby monster, he and his friends get pulled into a plot to reorder man’s position on the food chain, and must somehow stop an angry giant monster from wiping their hometown off the map.

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The 325 Kaiju Files  -  Series

Three young adult novellas, available  July 2021.

Genetic engineering is out of control.  One of the world’s largest biotechnology companies found something in their undersea mining operation. It's been there for centuries and now they’re performing experiments. And trying to hide it…..

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Gus Prouty's work combines tastefully crafted worldbuilding, powerful and memorable characters, and stories that stay with readers long after the adventure has reached the last page. His stories allow the freedom of imagination and permit the existence of supernatural characters to explicitly complement the scientific elements.

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